Try to do a structured search. This means: make a table first of words you want to use as a prompt. Horizontally, place words that together form your main query. Vertically, place words that could be substitutions for the words above. Now combine these search terms with logical ORs between the verticals, and ANDs between horizontal words. Scopus for example supports this.
Use leanlibrary plugin/extension in your browser to access from anywhere.
Laura recommends to use Scopus for a literature review, since it reduces your papers to higher quality works than Google Scholar. Often you end up with too much literature. Use other search engines if you find too little information.
Mendeley - By far the most used and probably the most useful tool you’ll ever use for organizing your literature database. Has free online/cloud support so you can access all your categorized documents from anywhere. (Good alternative is Zotero).
Visual Graphs: (more info on research analytics)