As a student at the MLN Lab, you are responsible to ensure the integrity of all the data you collect. To this end, you must follow the procedures below to collect and store the data. Your supervisory team will check if you have followed the procedure during the greenlight meeting—you will only receive a green light if your data is collected and stored following the guidelines.
Project data should be stored in a project drive (Get a Project Storage Drive)
Make sure your supervisors are placed in the GroupAdmins group in this project drive (see UMRA Guides to achieve this).
Double check with supervisors if they are able to access this project drive (see Research Data on how they can do this).
When naming your new project drive, please follow this convention:
YYYY XX ProjectName ResponsiblePerson
- YYYY: Year of project start
- XX: Type of project: Master’s Project (MP), Bachelor’s Project (BP), Internship (IS), PhD Research (PR), Other Research (OR)
- Example: 2022 PR HyperRehabAugmentedHapticFeedback AlexRatschat
All data related to the project (except for the Informed Consent Forms) should be placed in this project drive acording to the Data Management Plan (DMP). Do this in the following folder structure (all folders and files are mandatory, unless indicated otherwise):
- /01_Literature_report
- PDF of the literature report
- latex/word source files
- /02_Thesis_Report
- PDF of the literature report
- latex/word source files
- /03_Thesis_Presentation
- Green light presentation slides & supporting information
- Final Defense slides
- All figures, images and videos used in the presentation. Provide raw images and figues as vector graphics (svg/eps).
- (optional) Colloquia slides
- /04_Project_Code
- The project code (e.g. Simunlink/C/Unity projects etc)
- Everything must be documented with README files on what is in the folders and how to use it. (Example README’s)
- /05_Experiment_data
- /01_Raw_data:
- Raw data is all directly recorded data and must have all relevant metadata in the file name, including date, time, participant number, condition, and trial (if applicable).
- Raw data must never be used directly in the analysis! Copy the folder into your analysis folder before accessing it via code for the data processing.
- /02_Analysis_data:
- The processed data used for the analyses.
- /03_Statistical_data:
- The final statistical resulting data (this may include plots etc).
- /04_Experiment_documents:
- Experimental protocol
- all HREC documents (DMP, ICF, Checklist, device reports, etc)
- Experiment proposal (general outline & motivation of the experiment).
- /05_Data_Processing_Code
- The code/an explanation of the process used to process your data. Ideally this should be something you can run that directly converts the data in /02_Analysis_data to the resulting statistical data in /03_Statistical_data.
- Documentation
- All data must be recorded and be documented following the FAIR principle
- README files on what is in the folders and how to use it. (Example README’s)
- Data Dictionaries explaining variable names and how they relate to the recorded data.