During your research you will most likely learn a lot of new things. It can be very helpful to note down everything you learn in a personalized way and if you do, you will most likely thank yourself many times over.
Note: Feel free to add any of your ideas, tips, and methods to this page!
Some of the benefits to doing this:
Some video's with good info:
Where this gets really interesting is when you start linking your notes together, just like this Wiki. In this way, the notes no longer go into a big shoebox with notes you’ll never even look at, but slowly form a connected web of knowledge that slowly grows over time. Writing notes in this way will take some getting used to, but it will make that knowledge a lot more accessible and useful in the future.
The tool I recommend for this, and have been using for a while is Obsidian.
Some advantages of this software and things to look for in other solutions:
Some disadvantages are:
Some alternative solutions you could look at are:
Some other mentions:
Some resources to get you started:
One of the big advantages of this software is that you can personalize the workflow to your liking, as there is a lot of freedom to do so. A disadvantage of this is that it takes some time to fully understand all these features etc.
Presented here are some ideas on how to work with Obsidian. These are ideas and resources that I have found useful. Read through them to get a feel for what you might want to experiment with.
In Obsidian, linking your notes is highly encouraged. As such you should strive to write each note about one single topic, and start new notes for a new topic. You can easily create a new note by linking to a non-existing one. For example type [ [Obsidian Keybindings] ]
(without the spaces between the [
brackets). Then ctrl+click
on the link and a new note will open up. You can open multiple tabs to work on them simultaneously or switch back and forth using ctrl+alt+arrow keys
. It is also worth linking to nonexisting files, so that you know that this is something you are writing about, but have not set up a page for it yet. Once you decide to do so, all links to this file will automatically link up.
Finding the file you want to work on can be a bit challenging if you don’t properly organize your notes. However, there are a lot of ways you can optimize this.
file: <query>
will only search in the file names.) - Using the (local)Thinking about the layout of your program can be of great help. Take a look at the screenshot in the beginning of this page. - You can set up notes you access frequently in a pinned Window, like the bottom right of the screenshot (easy access to frequently used links during work time). - The top right shows the local graph (opened up by ctrl+p
, and typing open local graph, then pin it on the window you want). Using this you can easily switch between notes linked in the current note or notes that link to it.
You can fully personalize your keybindings in Obsidian. This is also true for any plugin you install, and for any sort of command you want to run (see those using ctrl+p
). Combining this with plugins like Templater will give you a lot of options to optimize your workflow. A tutorial on some ideas for keybindings can be found here.
There are a lot of great community plugins that can help you personalize the way you like to work. One great example is the very simple Paste URL into selection plugin (which does exactly what you think it does).
There are also a bunch of core-plugins that extend functionality and most of them are quite useful, so defenitely play around with them.
A really useful one is the daily notes plugin. With it, you automatically create a daily note based on a template, which you can fill with your to do lists and notes for that day.
Some ideas for plugins are discussed in this video.
There are so many great community themes you can use, they extend functionality as well as change around the layout of the interface. I recommend the Dracula theme.
Templates can be used to quickly automate parts of the note taking for you. They work by inserting a piece of text from a template quickly that you can then fill in yourself. There are some variables to autofill, e.g. Template:Title
gets replaced by the name of your note. This is not limited to full note templates but can also be useful for small snippets of text, like a list of tags, your email adress, the date and time, code blocks, etc. This functionality can be extended even further with the Templater plugin.
A good tutorial on how to use templates to your benefit can be found here
It is very important to play around with this and find out what works for you! Don’t expect to find your perfect workflow first try, and understand that this is a learning process. It will take some experimentation and getting used to, and doing this early on will help you in the long term.
You can actually render LaTeX math equations in Obsidian using a javascript library called mathjax (installed by default), which converts markdown to Latex math equations.
$$X_k = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_ke^{i 2 \pi k \frac{n}{N}} $$
Comprehensive overview found at Comprehensive Overview | LaTeX Mathjax Equation In Obsidian
# TU Delft
## Handy URLs
- [HRI-Wiki](https://hri-wiki.tudelft.nl)
- [Web-Mail](https://webmail.tudelft.nl/)
- [E-service TU Delft](https://e-service.tudelft.nl/EService.html?locale=en#person)
- [Webdata](https://webdata.tudelft.nl/)
- [Webprint](https://webprint.tudelft.nl/)
- [Xerox Printportal TU Delft](https://printportal.tudelft.nl:9443/end-user/ui/login)
- [Citrix - Weblogin](https://weblogin.tudelft.nl)
- [TIM - Hours](https://hours.tudelft.nl)
- [Payslips](https://www.payslip.tudelft.nl/)
- [ICT & Software](https://www.tudelft.nl/studenten/ict/ict-voorzieningen/online-ict-diensten)
- [Hardware & Software info](https://tudelft.topdesk.net/tas/public/ssp/content/detail/service?unid=ea6fcf970be647b5a46d2a85cc1377ec&from=0215d798-ca84-4b69-8a2e-66924687e046)
- [Opleidingsportaal](https://tudelftgs.opleidingsportaal.nl/en-us/)
- [Brightspace](https://brightspace.tudelft.nl)
## Other Stuff
- Email adress
- Employee/Student number
- NetID
- Citrix login